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The Emergence of Robots and Artificial Intelligence in the Covid-19 Era

The eruption of the new coronavirus, COVID-19 that started in Wuhan, China, has transformed into a global pandemic. Pandemics are not just moving struggles of sickness and death. The omnipresence of such mass-scale warnings, and the dilemma and worry that follow them, lead to new behaviors and mindsets.People become both more suspicious and less willing to engage with anything that seems foreign or strange.

For better or worse, the robots and AI are going to replace many humans in their jobs, and the coronavirus outbreak is speeding up the process.

Prior to COVID-19, most people had some level of perception of robots and artificial intelligence. Those concerns seem to have been set aside after the start of the pandemic as AI-infused technologies have been used to lessen the spread of the virus. We’ve seen speedup of the use of robotics to do the jobs of humans who have been directed to stay at home or who have been redeployed within the workplace.

Robots Emerging in All Phases of Life

Robotic Pharmacy

From prescription to offering the medicine, robotic pharmacy is entirely self-serve. With the digitization of the medical system, this explodes the probability of using data to enhance both the doctor’s examination and future prescriptions.


Robots are serving as a communication between a doctor and a patient wherein they can bring out diagnostic and treatment methods, diminishing the human contact and risk of transmission of infection.

Substituting human contact with robots is frequently seen as a danger of robotization. But in this matter, there are also apparent benefits. After all, a robot cannot be contaminated by patients, and if it is well cleaned, it cannot infect any human.

Recycling industry

The recycling industry was already suffering before the pandemic. Now, a growing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting within used water bottles, food boxes, and cartons.

Since the coronavirus took a grip in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “notable” increase in bookings for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sort through recycled material, weeding out the junk.

Retail Industry

The retail industry is rolling more on automation to free up workers to administer with the crush of demand during the pandemic.

Brain Corp, a San Diego company that produces software used in automated floor cleaners, said retailers were utilizing the cleaners 13 percent more than they were just two months before. The “autonomous floor care robots” are working around 8,000 hours of daily work “that contrarily would have been done by a primary worker,” the company said.

Accelerated adoption of artificial intelligence and robots is going to be the new normal

Situations like pandemics can break all the timelines, and experts say it’s really up to humans to choose how they want to unite this technology into the world.

After a vaccine for COVID-19 is produced (we hope) and the pandemic retreats, it’s hard to picture life turning to how it was at the commencement of 2020. Our experiences in the following months will make it pretty easy to normalize automation as a part of our daily lives. Organizations that have fostered robots through the crisis might think that a notable percentage of their human operators are not required anymore.

Consumers who will have contributed more time than ever associating with robots might become habitual to that kind of communication. You ultimately might not even see the withdrawal of a job when you get used to having food delivery by a robot that was once operated by a human. Some people might want to keep social distancing even when it is not surely required anymore.

We, as a community, have so far not asked what kinds of functions these robots will substitute — because, during this pandemic, the technology is playing an imperative role. If these machines help protect our health and well-being, then our confidence in them will develop eventually.

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